Wednesday, March 31, 2010

IWRA President to resign April 30, 2010

2010 IWRA president Gene F. has announced his intentions to resign his position as 2010 President of the International Water Rocket Association by April 30th.

The April 30th withdrawal date is intended to give time for another interested member to take over as president for the remainder of the year. If not, it gives the association time to dissolve in an orderly manner.

The president cited personal work, family obligations and the perceived lack of interest by the general membership for his decision to resign his position within the association. Gene personally thanked the members of the President’s Council for their willingness to serve and being apart of the IWRA efforts. He also said that it has been a real pleasure for him to serve as president of the IWRA since 2008 but that he feels the need to make this change as it relates to the association.

“Many friendships have been made thou the association and I still plan to continue with my water rocketry activities and plan to continue as a semi-active general member of the IWRA if the association continues but just not in a leadership role at this point” he said.

“My hope is that even if the association is dissolved, the association will continue its present website at less to provide a place for the public to view the IWRA Safety Code, Water Rocket Achievement Recognition Guidelines and Peer-Review Process that the association has worked so hard to develop. Gene also hopes that some other rocketry group would adopt and incorporate the code, guidelines and peer-review process into their group.”

Gene believes the work done on the Water Rocket Achievement Recognition Guidelines and Peer-Review Process was a great milestone for the water rocket community and it would be a shame to not have it be adopted and expanded on for those rocketeers that wish to have their achievement recognized by the water rocket community even if it was not achieved at a formal water rocket competition.

The whole process was intended to level the playing field for all rocketeers so that no one person or team could write competition flight rules after claiming to set a record with limited documentation or peer review. Then the same group draft flight rules that are unachievable by other rocketeers.

To view the Water Rocket Achievement Recognition Guidelines and Peer-Review process, readers can follow the following web-address: